Security is not a luxury, it's a necessity


We are the ultimate security solution for the modern world. We don’t just provide security, we provide peace of mind.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Who We Are?

Meet Vigilante, the Network of Experts Who Keep You Safe and Secure.

Vigilante is a Bangladesh-based private company that specializes in research and development for the digital frontier of Bangladesh. We help businesses transform and automate their operations with security and ITES solutions that enhance, expand, harden or relocate their digitalization. Our goal is to enable a safer and more sustainable industry future for our clients and partners.

We empower our clients to achieve higher performance, scalability and competitiveness by leveraging the right technology. We provide expert guidance and support for IT and digital transformation projects from strategy to implementation.

What is our specialty?

Security: A Valuable Investment for Your Future

Many personals & businesses view security as an expense that only adds to their costs and reduces their profits. However, this is a short-sighted and risky approach that can expose them to cyberattacks, data breaches, legal liabilities, and reputational damage. Security is not an expense, but an investment that can protect yourself and your business from these threats and provide you with a competitive edge in the market.

Get a clear picture of your organization’s security posture and how prepared you are against evolving threats before malicious entities, and apply customized recommendations to improve your security program.

Trusted By Pioneers